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What causes migraine? How can we treat it?

Although the real cause of migraine is still not clear, there are some theories that medical professionals are adopting regarding migraine. The good news is that some migraineurs found success by eliminating their triggers or the root cause of their migraines. Your job as a migraineur, in the fight against migraine, is to keep trying to eliminate possible migraine triggers and treat the cause of your migraine until you are successful. There is no one migraine trigger or cause that causes migraines to all migraine patients. Every migraineur found success by following some method in the treatment of migraine.

some patients became almost migraine-free after they eliminated what caused their migraine. I have interviewed some migraineurs, and some of them are almost migraine-free. Some found success by taking magnesium while others found their success by taking off a few months from work or school. They went on a rehabilitation-like program; thus restoring their healthy mental balances. And they only suffer from migraine occasionally. Remember the key for success is persistence.

One guy suffered from migraines for a couple of years. He told me that he got migraine attacks twice a week, and his pain and headaches caused him to feel like his head was about to explode of pain. He moved to stay in the country side, and he lived a primitive life without TV, cell phones, car noises or any modern life tools. After he came back to the city and its hustle and bustle, he discovered that his migraines went away! I hope you all a migraine-free life, as migraine ruins our lives. I know, this method is not an option to everybody, but I want to stress here that there is hope. Don’t give up!

Genetical and persistent Causes

The following causes are hard to tackle as they pertain to genetics and brain chemistry (are “integrated” with the migraineur) DON’T give up! There is always hope!
  • hereditary: there is a strong indication that the cause of migraine is linked to heredity since most migraineurs have at least one of their family members who have had migraines. In this case the migraineur is prone to migraines. I don’t want to discourage people from seeking help, but I want to emphasize that you expect serious patience and willingness to try migraine therapy combinations before you can control your migraines.
  • overexcitement: Migraineurs are often characterised by overexcitement. Often their head does not stop thinking. And migraine starts to appear in some people who have a tendency to overreact (nervousness).
  • trauma/psychiatric disorder: here is a story about a lady who was about to marry, but her lover did not marry her for some issue. The poor lady was so immersed in the love of that individual that she developed a trauma that caused her a migraine. After that, she had to take prescription drugs that made her remain drowsy most of the time! My advice here is not to let some event ruin your life! When you have a good morale, your heart beats at its normal rate, you feel like you are revived even when you have some headaches. On the other hand, when your morale is down, or you feel depressed (feeling that you don't like anything, and nothing seems to be exciting enough to make you work/be happy) your heart beat and blood pressure may be lower than normal. Morale might be thought of as the soul that gives you ability to work, eat, and study while you are enjoying your activities.
  • recurring stress / lack of sleep: the answer to this problem lies in giving oneself proper rest. Many migraineurs have reported that they suffered from migraines for a few months due to stressful jobs or situations like marital problems. And once the stress cause is eliminated, people turned back to normal life without migraine. You may seek some counseling or friend’s help in order to shift back to normal and peaceful life. Here is a couple of tips for stress elimination:
    • Work on the job you are relaxed at: When you love a job, you do it without thinking how hard it is. You are enjoying it, so you don't mind working for hours and hours. On the contrary, if you dislike a job, you will feel like you are stressed. Get a job that fits with your condition.
    • Perfectionism: Perfectionism leads to your brain working harder, and that leads to a state of restlessness. Try to think in terms of how you can enjoy things better and how you can feel relaxed.

    Causes that are simple to identify

    The following migraine causes can be diagnosed with the help of a doctor, and in many cases, migraineurs may get rid of their migraines for good!:
  • brain tumor: the migraine in this case can easily be spotted by an MRI or a cat scan. The pain inflicted by a brain tumor is usually like a hammer pounding hard on some area the head.
  • Jaw and teeth problems: TMJ, impacted wisdom teeth, and bruxism (it is also a sleep disorder).
  • Vision/ eye strain problems: This may cause both tension headaches and migraines.
  • an accident: any accident that affects the head may lead to complications such as migraine.
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse: Ask your doctor to check for this condition.
  • migraines and blood pressure. Either high or low blood pressure may cause migraines.
  • Poor blood circulation: Low heart beat that causes oxygen not to reach brain cells adequately.
  • improper oxygenation: check whether you stay in a good room with proper "aeration." Check whether the shower curtains or the AC vents are contaminated with mold.
  • lack of proper nutrition. This condition may rarely cause or trigger migraines.
  • magnesium deficiency. Whether this is the cause of migraine or merely a trigger, some migraineurs became migraine-free by taking magnesium supplements!
  • toxication/ toxicity: Toxication may rarely occur, but beware of some of the cases that lead to toxicity. Toxication may result from different metals including mercury, cupper, and aluminum. For example, multiple tooth fillings or amalgams contain mercury, which is considered poisonous.
  • Celiac /Coeliac disease: Celiac disease results from the intolerance of gluten protein. The result is the damage to the lining of the small intestines, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients. It is like an allergic reaction when we inhale some particles like pollen. Pollen may be treated by our body as an intruder, resulting in the awakening of the body’s defense mechanisms. Gluten is found in whole wheat, bleached wheat, barely, and rye products. The symptoms of celiac disease include abdominal bloating and pain, chronic diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, pale foul-smelling or fatty stool, and weight loss. Celiac disease is hard to diagnose since its symptoms vary from a person to another. A blood test is required to test for high levels of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA) or anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA). Some migraineurs had to avoid gluten as well as dairy products in order to get a good result.
  • Gut problems.
  • stomach or gastro-intestinal problems: heartburns may trigger migraines.
  • hormonal / menstrual migraines: Estrogen and progesterone are known to play a role in migraines. The fluctuation in hormonal levels may trigger migraines. Try CBMD / Tuliv. It is a natural medicine made of different herbal ingredients.
  • thyroid disorder / disease.

    The following causes were reported by some migraineurs:

  • Showering and leaving home before your hair dries out completely.
  • substance abuse: alcohol and illegal drugs.