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Migraine: A common mysterious problem That we all share!

My name is Will Nach. I started having migraines since May 2000. I refused to believe that what I had was migraines because I heard migraine had no cure. My condition started by sleep problems and headaches. The headaches got worse and worse until their interference with school got to the point I couldn’t handle.

My confusion and ordeal got worse by the fact that doctors could not diagnose my condition properly. People could not understand me, and I even didn't believe myself that I couldn't finish a task because of the pain! It took me a few years to believe what I had was really migraine. I tried different drugs, herbs, dietary supplements, sports, and alternative therapies. Some did help somewhat, but most did no help at all. I am still having migraines, and I am trying to find the suitable migraine-management combination for me.

If you have ever had chronic migraines, you should know how terrible life can get. For this reason, I am trying to raise migraine awareness and help migraineurs.

I wish that, someday, scientists find a cure to this persistent ailment to release all migraineurs of their ordeals.